Curating Credible Science: Restoring Rigor and Public Trust

Recent incidents including uncorrected errors in high-profile research, irreproducible findings published in prestigious journals, and federal exposures of ingredients lacking efficacy have increasingly undermined public trust in science. However, these issues originate from dysfunctional systems and incentives enabling questionable research practices to arise and persist. A hyper-competitive "publish or perish" academic culture encourages the rushed dissemination of exaggerated, fragmented, or preliminary findings. Practices prioritizing publication volume over rigor coupled with a breakdown of quality control in academic publishing have propagated unreliable studies through literature. Restoring confidence demands addressing perverse structures: research funders and tenure committees should incentivize reproducible, completed science over metrics like publication counts that prize perceived productivity over integrity. Journals must also embrace responsibilities as moderators by improving vetting and upholding exacting standards even at a competitive disadvantage. Reforming cultures to resist sacrificing quality for quantity is imperative.

The Blight: How Perverse Incentives Breed Sloppy Science

The "publish or perish" dictum pressures academics to amass publications as career advancement benchmarks. Facing existential precarity, researchers are incentivized to cut corners rushing out weak preliminary findings rather than invest years in robust studies. This manifests through salami-slicing projects to inflate publication volume, exaggerating minor studies as more impactful than evidence supports, and pushing sub-par work through journals where acceptance priorities supersede upholding rigor. The ensuing proliferation of rushed, fragmented, or exaggerated findings pollutes literature - ultimately obstructing scientific progress.

Meanwhile, the explosion of dubious journals and lightly-vetted special issues lacks appropriate oversight, enabling dissemination of questionable research under the false cover of "peer reviewed" credibility. Once published, even in predatory forums, these flawed studies persistently permeate literature and understanding. Once released under the mantle of "peer review," the credibility granted to published works makes it challenging to rescind, regardless of merit. These flawed studies then further pollute understanding and literature by masquerading as valid science. Despite methodological flaws or exaggerated conclusions, they accumulate citations and get integrated into literature reviews over time.

Weak studies waste reader time and skew collective knowledge. Meanwhile, their membership within the formal publication ecosystem lends undeserved credibility influencing funding priorities, public discourse, policy development, and practice. This strains existing safeguards, enabling misinformation to arise and endure masquerading as credible publications - further distorting incremental knowledge advancement through perpetuated false leads across fields.  Witness the huge investment in time and time and resources that went into following up on the now discredited and retracted Alzheimer's papers published by former Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne.

Case Study: MDPI Prioritizes Volume Over Quality Control

The academic publisher MDPI has practices which contribute to this problem. MDPI's breakneck publication pace exemplifies an academic model that subordinates upholding quality to maximizing output. In 2022 alone MDPI published over 300,000 scientific articles across 400+ journals - a hyperinflated scale reflecting exponential annual growth. To accelerate this stunning article output, accounting for monthly addition rates exceeding 25,000 items, MDPI embraces broad-stroke practices that prioritize volume: chief among them, acceptance rates consistently over 50%.  Such an indiscriminately high threshold casts doubt on any serious selectivity or curation governing approvals. Instead, MDPI opts for an unfocused accumulation approach - the more articles, the better, regardless of marginal quality or contribution. Manuscript turnover times of just 6 weeks further indicate cursory, rushed reviews rather than careful scrutiny or thorough vetting. The aggressively compressed timeline and unambiguous production benchmarks imply evaluations matter only nominally as obligatory checks. At this churning tempo geared towards platform expansion, rigor is surrendered for growth. Whatever marginal quality control persists erodes from strain as expectations normalize unchecked addition rates.

Exacerbating matters, cascades of lightly-vetted special journal issues - frequently at the request of academic organizations to feature conference proceedings - deluge editorial and peer review capacities already struggling to provide oversight given current volume loads. These feverish conference paper "dumps" involve comparatively lax, accelerated peer approvals to meet publishing deadlines, allowing underdeveloped work to permeate literature and still qualify toward academic credit despite circumventing the safeguards of full review. Perception confusion arises regarding what the consistency or meaning of "peer review" denotes amidst practices that actively underserve it in the name of productivity. The risks, however, are manifest: MDPI's unchecked publication deluge forgoes responsible curation. In its quixotic rush to maximize output, MDPI surrenders essential quality checks, instead enabling the uncontrolled spread of sub-par studies that pollute understanding and trust in science.

In 2023, MDPI had multiple prominent journals removed from citation indices due to the practices described above.

The High Costs: Undermining Public Trust and Scientific Progress

Once published, even in questionable journals lacking appropriate scrutiny, flawed studies gain an unwarranted patina of legitimacy. Despite shaky methodology or exaggerated conclusions, they accumulate citations and permeate literature by masquerading as valid science. This enables influence on funding priorities, medical guidelines, and public policies - despite originating from poor research. Their persistence can waste resources chasing false leads, erode expertise perceptions, and undermine trust in the safeguards like peer review intended to ensure quality control.

Meanwhile the proliferation of such flawed work pollutes understanding as misinformation posed as credible science. These propagate through fields, wasting scholar time on dead-ends and steering activity towards faulty premises. Their dispersal laundering speculation as evidence for questionable theories. Although eventually retracted, lingering residuals of misapprehension and distorted literature still steer researchers awry. This highlights systemic failures in upholding quality standards and enforcement of reproducibility - breakdowns enabling misinformation to arise and persist, undercutting knowledge development.

The readiness of public figures to propagate speculative claims as undisputed facts further amplifies the erosion of scientific expertise credibility. When politicians tout fringe studies lacking rigor or findings exceeding the evidence, it fuels public confusion regarding what the consensus research evidence shows. Such endorsements afford unsubstantiated claims unwarranted credibility that researchers spend years attempting to correct rather than focusing efforts on expanding knowledge frontiers. Politicization of scientific issues enabled by exaggerated extrapolations or quotes taken out of context contributes to polarized policy stalemates. The erosion of public trust seeded by these incidents ultimately undermines evidence-based role research and expertise play in informing sound policy making.

Solutions: Improving Research Practices, Communication & Curation

Use AI: Emerging AI tools possess untapped potential for assisting human discernment and analysis inoverflowing publication ecosystems. Language models can help systematically surface unstated assumptions, scrutinize phrasing choices indicating exaggerated certainty, and probe how terminology selections frame interpretation. Such technologies can complement expert judgment in assessing both research quality and contextual importance within massive literature volumes exceeding human-scale comprehension. AI-generated scrutiny questions focused on methodology, evidentiary support levels, consideration of alternatives, and constraint acknowledgement could enhance consistency in gauging standards. Targeted AI assistance cataloguing research topics, surfacing logical gaps, checking cited support levels, and contextualizing claimed novelty amid prior work can reinforce discernment.

More Pre-Print Repositories:   Enlarging the universe of preprint repositories would enable scholarly scrutiny and public critique prior to formal peer review and journal publication. As draft manuscripts are posted openly, experts could provide crowdsourced feedback focused on analyzing methodology, questioning assumptions, assessing the validity of findings, and probing constraints around generalization. This constructive scrutiny leverages collective disciplinary expertise to surface issues possibly overlooked by isolated reviewers. Drawing attention to logical gaps, insufficiently supported conclusions, or alternatives requiring consideration strengthens work before submission to publishers. The iterative refinement enabled through public engagement with preprints improves research transparency while enhancing result robustness. It also accelerates scientific progress by allowing immediate usage of findings rather than years-delayed journal appearances, while preserving expert debate opportunities that ultimately enhance rigor.

Demand Incremental Knowledge Gains: Restoring meaningfulness to scientific contribution requires justification for adding to already saturated literature.With academic publication milestones now exceeding 4 million papers annually across 35,000 journals, editorial discernment is essential. Meeting word count requirements or showcasing experimental competency should not suffice for earned amplification through journals. Journals should mandate statements explaining how new submissions specifically advance conceptual understanding or practical applications within a well-defined scope. Given overwhelming publication volumes, priority should be given to work providing non-incremental knowledge advances rather than minor variations on well-trod themes. Reviewer checklists should require clear differentiation of key points not addressed in prior literature. Reviewers should mandate that contributions expand understanding frontiers significantly, not just add subtle variants on exhausted topics. Additionally, higher bars for methodological rigor must be enforced consistently, including sample sizes and statistical power to support conclusions drawn rather than extrapolations exceeding data constraints. Authors must evidence rigorous methods, properly contextualize limitations, demonstrate meaningful knowledge advancement validating journal resources spent, and practice restraint drawing conclusions only as strongly as data warrants – resisting pressure to over hype modest insights. Situating work against existing knowledge while requiring robust evidence for claims made will help shift incentives from resume padding publications of marginal broader value towards work resolving open questions and uplifting a specialty's theoretical or applied capacities. Such heightened justification expectations for clearing selectivity filters would emphasize decisive progress over marginal additions, uphold integrity, and reverse the dilution of literature signal-to-noise.

The Imperative of Responsible Curation

Restoring integrity in science demands greater discernment and transparency when amplifying claims through published endorsement. Facts require nuanced communication situating certainty within contextual constraints to maintain public trust and avoid misrepresentation. Progress relies on selectivity filters separating meaningful signal from swelling publication noise. Journals must embrace responsibilities as moderators and knowledge curators rather than distribution channels - upholding standards regardless of competitive pressures. This necessitates scrutinizing relevance, methodology, reasoning, and restraint at least as much as technical soundness. Careful, discerning curation is essential for research to regain purpose and value amid overwhelming volume.

This mandates transparent explication of assumptions and design choices prerequisite to framing the meaning and generalizability of results. Scrupulous vetting should scrutinize not just technical soundness, but methodology relevance, reasoning restraint, acknowledgement of limitations, and exploration of alternatives now obscured via isolated review. Literature integration depends on upholding standards and enforcing contribution justifications regardless of competitive incentives that subordinate quality to quantity.

Progress relies on transparent communication that accurately reflects the iterative, uncertain nature of research. Findings are milestones for further inquiry rather than dogmatic declarations. Speculation requires clear separation from evidentiary conclusions. Cherrypicked exaggerations that overpromise fuel cynicism when promises predictably remain unfulfilled; moderated claims anchored to evidence strengthen credibility over time. Restoring purpose requires integrating nuance into publishing endorsement decisions - no longer laundering misinformation by failing to acknowledge shaky evidentiary grounds or methodological constraints.

Responsible curation will require cultural and systemic changes prioritizing robustness over pace, depth over volume, and quality over quantity - coupled with technological assistance. But integrity relies on academic communities and publishers themselves resisting perverse structures through upholding exacting standards disproportionately costly to individual interests. Research funders and institutional review boards must incentivize reproducible, scientifically sound studies over rushed dissemination of fragmented, exaggerated findings aimed to maximize perceived productivity over meaningful contributions. Tenure committees should similarly assess applicants based on completion of robust projects advancing understanding rather than chasing metrics like publication counts that breed corner cutting. Progress emerges from diligence, not hastened dissemination of incremental advances masquerading as revelatory based on misaligned incentives. Restoring science’s purpose and value requires patient investment in building collective understanding.

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